Dear friends,

I am pleased to present to you the Annual Report of the Social Promotion Foundation, with a summary of its work and economic information for 2019.

And I do so on this occasion in a context that is very different from that of previous years, in which COVID-19 has burst into our lives in unexpected ways, generating situations of crisis and pain, but which has also shown that solidarity and cooperation are indispensable tools in times of difficulty.

This encourages us to continue our work and supports our foundational objective of putting the person and his/her dignity at the centre of our activity, making him/her the protagonist of his/her own development.

In 2019 we have materialized this mission with the execution of twenty-one development cooperation projects and five humanitarian aid projects, to try to improve the living conditions of more than sixty-four thousand people, men and women, in equal conditions, in twelve countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

And this concept of generating equal opportunities between men and women, which is present in all our areas of activity, has led us to create and implement the Women and Equality Observatory (OMEI), convinced that true development is not possible if the talent of all the people who make it up is not integrated, without excluding anyone. Therefore, actions are needed to strengthen and ensure female talent in society.

I invite you to know more about our work, which is described in the pages of our annual report, and which is also supported by you. Your help, public and private funders, donors, partners, team and volunteers of the Foundation, makes a better future possible for many disadvantaged people in the world.

Yours faithfully,

Jumana Trad