Our Report on Activities 2020 leaves us with a clear message: in the face of the distancing measures and despite the moments of uncertainty we have experienced due to the outbreak of the pandemic, we have realised that united, our response is much more effective against the challenges and difficulties we face.

This year, thanks also to your support, our commitment to people in vulnerable situations in the countries where we work has not diminished, but rather intensified, and we have been able to be very close to them.

In the words of our President, Jumana Trad, in the 2020 Report:

“(…) the Foundation’s activity during this period (…) has redoubled its efforts to respond to the most pressing needs of the populations we work with, without neglecting those actions already underway that are a guarantee for their development.

(…) this year, more than ever, we have been able to confirm that solidarity is key to promoting and preserving the dignity of people in the world and making them the protagonists of their own development”.

In 2020, we have supported 61,653 people through our activities, having carried out 19 development cooperation projects and 5 humanitarian aid projects, to strengthen rural development, access to drinking water and food, education, vocational training and business development, and the real and effective participation and leadership of women in society.

We have also directed our efforts to address the ravages generated by COVID-19, such as supporting the elderly home of the Little Sisters of the Poor in Segovia, or strengthening the St. Gabriel Health Centre in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to prevent transmission of the virus.

And we have reacted to devastating events, such as the explosion of 4 August in the port of Beirut, by providing respirators for the affected population, supporting the reconstruction of churches and the Litani Cultural Centre.

Access our Report on Activities 2020 and learn more about all the work you have been a part of: