The collection from the Social Promotion Foundation’s campaign in support of the Little Sisters of the Poor in Segovia has alleviated the very difficult and precarious economic situation they are going through in the short term, but they are still in need and call for our solidarity.

To date, 10,700 euros have been collected and sent.

Sister Rosa, the Mother Superior, explains to us that her mission is to go out into the streets to ask for help, the residence and its maintenance depends on the donations of the people.

In COVID context they cannot do this in order not to put themselves at risk (they are elderly) or to put the elderly in their residence at risk. The COVID-19 suddenly cut off its source of income.

The expenses they incur because of the pandemic have skyrocketed. Two of the Sisters died from the pandemic and they are in need of hired personnel. She tells us that in the supermarkets, they used to give them food, such as biscuits (which are staple foods for the residence), sunflower oil for the fryer, etc. and now they have to spend money to buy it.

Sister Rosa tells us with great joy that the last money received as part of our campaign will be used to pay the salaries of the staff of the nursing home they run, which is a great social work. In the residence in Segovia, the Sisters take care of elderly people, especially those in situations of economic vulnerability.

Sister Rosa explains that she did not know how they were going to pay the salaries this month.

During that day, she had to give money to a worker to buy some material for a repair in the residence, leaving the box practically empty.

The most remarkable thing is the joy with which they face this precarious situation. Sister Rosa tells us that they always count on the help of their protector, St. Joseph, and that they do not lose their peace.

She tells us that they do not doubt, continue to trust in divine providence, and pray for all their benefactors.

Their need is high, and they ask us to continue the campaign and not to forget them.

*The first 150€ donated to our Foundation has a deduction of 80%.
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