In November 2017, Youth Mun Madrid (YMM) began, an initiative of Social Promotion aimed at young people of school age, which seeks to promote the collective empowerment and participation of women in the political, economic and social life of our country, through of the interest aroused in them by the United Nations Models (MUN).

In this way, the young women participating in YMM become familiar with an authentic simulation of the General Assembly, the Security Council or other multilateral bodies or agencies of the UN Organization, approaching the world of diplomacy and negotiation. Assuming the role of delegates from the different member countries of the United Nations, they debate and approve resolutions for the defense of human rights.

The great reception that this project has had, has led to repeat the experience and start the second edition, to continue the training of young women who already participated last year and start it for those who join this time. As a novelty, this new edition also accommodates young people from the Canary Islands.

After the presentation last October, YMM II began its activity on Saturday, November 10, in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, with fourteen schoolchildren from Tenerife and Gran Canaria.

“The experience was enriching, much more than expected,” says Ana Cudós, the coordinator of the project in the Canary Islands.

The trainer of the United Nations Association for Spain (ANUE), Aloma Serra Puntí, made an introduction about the UN and the MUNs, which was very positive since it allowed the young participants to become aware of the project.

“During it, she managed to keep our attention generating great expectation. In addition to an interactive part, the session incorporated another dynamic, which allowed evaluating the knowledge acquired during the 3 hours of training “, explains the coordinator.

The session ended with a brief reading and presentation of the Declaration of Human Rights that brought international reality to the young participants.

Subsequently, on Saturday, November 24, more than 60 young people attended the first session of YMM II in Madrid.

The trainer, Verónica Vargas, a volunteer of the United Nations Association for Spain (ANUE), was in charge of imparting the introductory modules to the young women who started the project.

On the other hand, the students who participated in the previous edition had a session on research and public speaking techniques in English.

In both sessions, simulations were held on human rights in which the young women represented countries such as Bangladesh, Canada, Ecuador, the United States or Spain.