Our planet is strong, however, it is also vulnerable and can be affected by pollution, the unsustainable use of resources or climate change, where human action bears a large part of the responsibility.

On International Mother Earth Day, which is celebrated on April 22, from Social Promotion, aware of its importance, we want to help raise social awareness about the global crisis in which the Earth finds itself and the need to adopt urgent measures by everyone to fight it.

It is necessary to work for the recovery of ecosystems: favor the recovery of those that have been degraded or destroyed and conserve those that are still intact.

And committed to this, in our cooperation projects we integrate actions that help rural communities to optimize and properly and sustainably manage their resources, helping to eliminate the pressures that affect nature so that it can recover on its own, to improve the livelihoods of the people who depend on them and to control disease and reduce the risk of natural disasters.

In Latin America, for example, in the Chipuluc Micro-basin (department of Cajamarca, Peru), some of the initiatives are the installation of irrigation systems to reduce the use of water for crops by 50%; improved stoves, which reduce by 50% the monthly consumption of firewood in homes and, consequently, the pollution of the environment and the felling of trees; or family organic and inorganic solid waste management and classification modules, which also allow the production of own fertilizers or the marketing of metals and containers.

Likewise, awareness programs are carried out on adaptation and mitigation against climate change or soil conservation practices, such as the construction of terraces or communal nurseries to produce native forest species.

También en Perú, en la Bahía de Sechura, son necesarias acciones para proteger esta zona rica en recursos pesqueros, pero que está sometida a una fuerte presión, provocando la sobreexplotación de muchas especies.

Also in Peru, in the Sechura Bay, actions are necessary to protect this area rich in fishery resources, but which is subject to strong pressure, causing the overexploitation of many species.

To diversify and improve aquaculture production efficiently, work is being done on the integral cultivation of the scallop shell in a suspended system, as it is a native species and does not represent an environmental risk. In addition, training is provided on good sanitary practices in bivalve mollusks.

Efficiently managing solid waste in the domestic sphere and in coves is also a priority. To achieve this, some initiatives are included, such as a training program in good environmental practices and care and protection of the environment for mariculturists, men and women; the formation of the Network of Ecological Entrepreneurs of Sechura; an environmental management plan and promotion of the conservation of marine natural resources; or campaigns for the collection of solid waste. Emphasis is placed on the participation of institutions in the sector and on the alliance with the local government.

In Diriamba, Nicaragua, we work in the so-called “patio economy”, rational exploitation of the land spaces around the houses, developing small family farming initiatives. These orchards allow production to be diversified through training in traditional and non-traditional, sustainable and environmentally friendly farming techniques.

In Joya Grande, Guatemala, agricultural production training is carried out on soil conservation, such as the use of beneficial microorganisms, good water management or crop rotation to reduce negative situations of desertification, and the use of organic fertilizers. .

Also on good environmental practices, such as the correct handling of agrochemical containers so as not to contaminate the flow of water in the home and, consequently, in the community, supported by informative posters.

In addition, through medical-nutritional conferences, the correct management of water, purification methods and its reasonable use in household cleaning and personal hygiene are promoted. And through home visits, solid waste management is emphasized.