Today, September 8, the Social Promotion Foundation joins the actors of the Spanish Cooperation, to commemorate the ONG Worker’s Day, in honor of the professionals who work for sustainable development and the fight against poverty together with the populations most vulnerable on the planet.

Under this celebration, which coincides with the anniversary of the signing of the United Nations Millennium Declaration in the year 2000, we want to show our public recognition to these authentic solidarity professionals who carry out their work in the field of development cooperation abroad to achieve a fairer world.

For the Foundation, its expatriates also ensure the coherence and systematization of its work in the countries where it is present.

This is the case of our Head of Mission in Jordan, Jorge Jiménez Cañas, with whom we share his special message to celebrate Cooperator Day:


Like Jorge in Jordan, our volunteers Mayte Illán and Sergio Marín, Gerard Poch or Giacomo Crescenzi, are essential to guarantee the proper development of the Foundation’s projects currently in Palestine, Ethiopia and Egypt, respectively.

Thus, with your help, in Jordan, we try to make women contribute in a real way to resilience, economic recovery and the fight against poverty in response to COVID-19 in Irbid and Mafraq, strengthening their skills and abilities for the job.

In Palestine, we work to promote labor rights and strengthen the associations of rural women in Jenin; promote sustainable and equitable entrepreneurship of young people from Area C of the West Bank through the agribusiness sector; and improve the resilience and capacity building of the vulnerable rural population of the West Bank and Gaza so that they can safely access the fulfillment of their rights.

On the other hand, in Ethiopia, we direct our efforts to guarantee the agricultural and livestock production of more than 10,000 vulnerable people in rural areas in the Somali region who suffer from problems of food insecurity during several months of the year, and to face the effects of change climate change and natural disasters by sustainably restoring the local environment. Also to strengthen the resilience against COVID-19 of the rural population of 2 woredas of Oromia, paying special attention to access to water, agricultural development and sustainable and participatory management of natural resources.

Likewise, in Egypt, our objective is to favor the micro-entrepreneurship of people in vulnerable situations in the Upper Egypt region, especially women and young people, including people with disabilities. In addition, specifically in Menya, Assiut, Sohag, Qena and Luxor, this same objective of promoting employment is specifically aimed at women, and opens up new job options linked to tailoring.