The meeting of experts, promoted by the Delegation of Citizen Participation of the Puerto de Santa María Council and organized by Márgenes and Vínculos Foundation, was celebrated on 19-20 May in the Augusto Tolón Ferrón Civic Centre (El Puerto de Santa María).


On 19 May, José Luis Zatarain, Communication and Volunteering Director of the FPSC and Coordinator of the childhood programs, and for several years Awareness Projects Director of PROTÉGELES and member of the Steering Committee of INSAFE, participated in a talking shop on new technologies with the citizenship that was conducted by  Antonio Luis González Rubio, Quality and Information Systems Director of the Márgenes and Vínculos  Foundation. In the talking shop also participated Marta González Sanjuán, Delegate in Andalusia of the Alia2 Foundation, Pilar Martín Novás, Inspector of the National Police Force and Delegate of Citizenship Participation of the Puerto de Santa María local police station, and kepa Paul Larrañaga, Sociologist, and Researcher working on the evaluation of the Second National Strategic Plan on Childhood and Adolescence.
Afterwards, on 20 May, the Drawing Board with public representatives took place and was attended by all politic groups from El Puerto de Santa María. During this meeting there was a dialogue between the representatives of these politic groups and some participating experts such as José Antonio Luengo, expert in evolutionary psychology, author of the guide “Ciberbullying, to prevent ant take action”, and who was Adviser of the Children Ombudsman of the Community of Madrid, Kepa Paul Larragaña or José Luis Zatarain. The Drawing Board was conducted by José Chamizo de la Rubia, Andalusian Ombudsman from 1996 to 2013.