On 4 December 2000, the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 55/76, in which it declared World Refugee Day on 20 June, thereby making it coincide with the anniversary of the Convention relating to the 1951 Status of Refugees.

In June 2016, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) launched the #WithRefugees campaign to ask governments to collaborate and fulfil their duty in relation to the millions of people who are in this situation.

On World Refugee Day, held every June 20, the FPSC joins the worldwide desire to commemorate its strength, courage and perseverance and to show its support to families who have been forced to flee.

At present the FPSC’s commitment to refugees is materialized in Jordan (in the Za’atari and Azraq camps) and in host communities in Lebanon. Both countries are receiving thousands of people fleeing the conflict that began in Syria in 2011.

With the threefold goal of saving lives, alleviating suffering and safeguarding human dignity, FPSC’s Humanitarian Aid actions target mainly the most vulnerable groups, minors, persons with disabilities, the elderly, women and minorities, as they suffer with more rigorous consequences of armed conflicts. This activity is currently being supported with the financial aid of various institutions (Nando and Elsa Peretti Foundation, MAPFRE Foundation, Government of La Rioja, Kaipacha Inti and Lebanon Humanitarian Fund of OCHA) and private funds of the FPSC, coming from its campaign “Syria: Emergency call”.

In Lebanon, work is done for the benefit of the Syrian refugee population and the Lebanese population residing in the host communities, through two lines of action. The first of these aims to provide psychological assistance, reduce the incidence of mental illness and improve the training and coordination of the actors involved in humanitarian aid within the framework of the primary health care services of the Lebanese public health, through the implementation of a clinic that provides service throughout the Bekaa Valley.

On the other hand, it seeks to strengthen a network of solidarity, social, sustainable and innovative second-hand products to try to alleviate poverty conditions in this group and part of the Lebanese host population.

In Jordan, FPSC’s humanitarian activity prioritizes refugees with disabilities, with special attention to women and children, through personalized medical care, distribution and maintenance of mobility aids (from canes and crutches to wheelchairs and orthopaedic devices); inclusive activities; and raising awareness about the reality and rights of people with disabilities.

On the other hand, since 2014, the FPSC has opened its permanent campaign “Iraq: a shout of encouragement”. The funds obtained through this campaign are intended to cover basic necessities; buy medicines to provide the outpatient department, and to respond to other needs in the Virgin Mary of Baghdad refugee camp, which houses more than 130 displaced families in Iraq.