Pending results from an external evaluation, we can say that in the Natural Reserve of Ngoc Son Ngo Luong, there has been a before and after of this Convenio. Its three components of work- Conservation, Development and Community Ecotourism, developed through a participatory process which has involved both local people and forest rangers of the reserve, have brought significant changes to the reservation.
Regarding Socio-economic Conservation, a long-term Conservation and Management Plan has been created, through which, in addition to supporting training and equipment to the foresters (FPD), there have been several studies of biodiversity that have provided valuable scientific information for the caretakers (FPD) seeking new loans (provincial, national or international), to further support the conservation of nature reserves, in conjunction with Vietnamese scientists who participated in developing these reports of biodiversity. In addition, the project has continuously developed environmental awareness among local people against illegal logging and other forms of destruction of the natural environment of NSNL.
As for the socio-economic development component, the main activities performed have mainly been with livestock, 36%, and agriculture, 32%, especially focusing on the processes of training in new skills, as required by and for the population and formalized in a work plan called CDP (Commune Development Plans). These training activities have made up 64% of the total, while the remaining 36% support activities on materials (seeds, animals, veterinary medicines and other equipment, high efficiency furnaces to reduce wood consumption, etc.). Out of a total of 3,098 households in the reserve, 2,455 have been supported, 79%. But many families have participated in multiple activities, so that the number of interventions has been 5,940. Finally, activities have been carried out for the whole population, especially cultural and gender-related. This is to emphasize the support of the project for the Muong culture, a local ethnicity that forms 90% of the population of the reserve, by holding three music festivals, dance and dress (two adults and one for children), that have been successful and that the local population, which has almost no recreational opportunities, has met with great enthusiasm, high turnout and pride. They have also conducted several events against gender violence, such as making a film that has been issued by the local TV, and the representation of several plays in which actors were members of the local population.
Finally, the component of ecotourism has developed the work in the following stages: defining the type of tourism to be developed, the drafting of a Sustainable Tourism Plan for national and international consulting, designing activities based on the plan, carrying them, and marketing of tourism developed. This offer is based on a trekking route along which they have developed services and infrastructure and is equipped with training and equipment to the various social actors involved, such as homestays (lodging with local families), local guides, moto-taxi drivers, Muong group shows (music and dance), a group of traditional embroidery and craftsmen. A local organization to manage tourism has also been formed, CBET-A (Commune Based Ecotourism Association), which has also received training and equipment. Currently, the reserve receives a small but steady flow of visitors, and is among the tourist offerings of several tour operators in Hanoi, two of whom have signed a collaboration agreement with the CBET-A, for which they have become members, with a voice but no vote, and thereby committing themselves to support it with training and technical assistance.
The tourism in the reserve is available on the website created for the purpose by the project: