The project “Support to the generation of income and sustainable productive capacity of small producers in Gaza”, has recently ended with important milestones that have had a positive impact on the lives of the right holders of the Gaza Strip. The project has been financed by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID).

In a tremendously impoverished population, with one of the highest unemployment rates in the region, the project has worked supporting the improvement of agricultural infrastructure, as a vector to improve employment opportunities and increase economic growth.

Taking into account the particular violation suffered by women, all this has been dealt with an equal approach. In an area where their participation in agriculture is considered an extension of their domestic obligations, it means that they do not get remuneration for their work.

The project has successfully approved three entrepreneurship initiatives that have had a business plan tailored for each female entrepreneur. These initiatives have been registered and, therefore, legalized, to guarantee the trade of products within the formal economy and competition in the market in equally and sustainably conditions. The women have received personalized education and training leadership sessions on the management of their own company and business.

In parallel to this, work has been done to improve agricultural practices through training for farmers, installation of irrigation networks, scheduling of crops and fertilization based on best agricultural practices, which has reduced the consumption of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Moreover, this approach to safe agriculture has an awareness component to end consumers.

The link between these two components will be through the production chains from harvest to market, generating a system of fair prices that guarantees a commercial outlet for the resulting products. Similarly, it contributes to the empowerment of women, in an area where there are significant gender grievances. As stated before, agriculture is a key sector in Gaza, which contributes to food security and also, it’s one of the few income sources. Through actions linked to SDG 8 (decent work and economic growth) and 5 (gender equality), there is a direct impact on SDG 1 (end poverty) and 2 (end hunger).