The Foundation for the Social Promotion of Culture, as part of its General Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) has, since 2004, made an annual statement for presentation at the meeting of the high-level segment of ECOSOC.
On the occasion of the Annual Ministerial Review of the High Level Segment (AMR), which took place last July (July 2 – 27, 2012) in New York, the Foundation presented a statement on the selected theme this year: “Promoting productive capacity, employment, and decent work to eradicate poverty in the context of inclusive, sustainable and equitable economic growth at all levels for achieving the MDGs.”
The Foundation believes that effective programs of development cooperation should be based on a job-creation strategy that links economic and social development and quality of human capital as one of the main factors of production, which is the key to economic growth and productivity. The Foundation also considers that, given that employment is the main source of income for most households around the world, the training of women for their incorporation into the labor market contributes significantly to reducing poverty and inequality.
The statement deals with the job creation strategy and projects relating to capacity building work and enterprises launched by the FPSC to achieve the Millennium Development Goals in Latin American countries: Bolivia, Paraguay, Guatemala, Dominican Republic and Peru.
The statement was published on the UN website in several languages, including English and Spanish.