These university women are called multipliers within the activity developed by our local partner ANDECU. Their training is very important so that they can later go to more remote rural areas and train women from the departments of Managua, Masaya and Carazo in business management, training them in self-employment and life skills. As ANDECU tells us, the training these women receive is comprehensive, and they are not only trained to develop their businesses but also in all areas, for example, in the area of reconciling family and professional life.

The project, which ends after a year of execution, has been financed by the Alcobendas City Council and has addressed the need to train and accompany rural women entrepreneurs, right holders, so that they can obtain income and generate their own self-management mechanisms.

The project has also helped 19 university women to complete the training process as multiplier volunteers and improve their capacity for analysis and reflection on the reality of women in rural areas and to be able to incorporate this professional practice into their curriculum.

Self-employment through entrepreneurship made possible by the project has enabled families affected by unemployment to earn a subsistence income. 70 women entrepreneurs have been trained to manage their own businesses and provide a source of income for their families.

These are courageous women who face the difficulties of the severe economic crisis and pandemic situation with great determination as can be seen in the testimonies they offer in the audiovisual below.