Promoting the economic, political and social empowerment of women in the departments of Managua, Masaya and Carazo in an inclusive and effective participation in community development

The violence and discrimination in Nicaragua related to the violation of women’s rights takes several forms: violence, lack of access to resources, participation and inclusion, etc., which negatively affects their quality of life.

This situation has been aggravated since 2018 as a result of the serious economic and socio-political crisis in which the country is immersed due to social security reforms that were not well-received by the population, which led to episodes of violence and crime.



Through this project, the main aim is to contribute mitigating the negative economic and social effects of the conflict that affect women. Likewise, the project will promote their effective participation in community development through their economic, political and social empowerment. Specifically, the objectives are:



  1. Establish and protect women’s livelihoods through their basic training for the improvement of entrepreneurial skills, as well as they are provided with knowledge regarding solidarity and credit savings that allow them access to financial resources.
  2. Improve women’s marketing and sales skills for better market access as of sales strategies based on a solidarity and fair market economy.
  3. Provide women with legal knowledge about Human Rights, both national and international standards, that allow them to know, promote and defend their rights.
  4. Create spaces for reflection among women, families and communities in order to raise social awareness about women, teenagers and girls’ rights.