Promoting access to the rights to health and to adequate and sustainable food for the vulnerable population of the Kaqchikel ethnic group of Pamanzana/Vista Bella, with attention to children and pregnant women, reinforcing their participation rights

The project will work on activities focused on primary health care for children under 5 years of age, as well as pregnant women from 100 families, and to combat child malnutrition, which in Chimaltenango is between 31.7 and 44.8% and in Tecpan is greater than or equal to 48%. To this end, six cycles of medical and nutritional days, training and workshops focused on health and nutrition, and home visits for follow-up and accompaniment will be carried out.

Improved cookers will also be installed to help to reduce the occurrence of chronic obstructive respiratory diseases caused by inhaling smoke from the combustion of wood in open fires. Ecological water filters will ensure the consumption of water free of parasites and bacteria, the main causes of diarrhoeal diseases, dehydration, weight loss and child malnutrition.

The second component of the intervention is aimed at ensuring adequate nutrition through the implementation of family gardens for food production and achieving a diversified, complete and sustainable diet. In addition, the capacities of families will be strengthened through training to enable them to implement, care for and monitor the gardens, and in good environmental practices linked to agricultural production. Productive groups will be created and the active participation of women in all activities related to food production will be encouraged.

The third line of activity of the project includes training in human rights, with special attention to the equal and equitable participation of women and awareness raising on their transcendental role in society, as well as children’s rights, also involving municipal authorities.