Promotion of rights and prevention of violence in women, through access to sanitation and drinking water in 3 rural indigenous communities of the municipality of San Ignacio de Velasco (department of Santa Cruz, Bolivia)

The project aims to promote the right to water and sanitation in three vulnerable rural communities in Santa Cruz (Bolivia) from a gender equality and rights approach in the communities of Santa Teresa, San Simón and Tirarí.

For this, the construction of 3 elevated concrete tanks with a capacity of 20,000 liters each is planned, which will allow access to drinking water and sanitation, with a positive impact on the health of the population. This availability of safe water in homes, in terms of adequate quality and quantity, will have a particularly positive impact on the management of time, energy and the health of women and girls, who are responsible for carrying water for family consumption, and on your hygiene and privacy.

The creation of Water Committees will also strengthen the capacities of the population and allow adequate community management, with a focus on gender equality and democratic governance. In turn, it will guarantee a fair price for consumption and will train the population on the right to water and sanitation.

Finally, bathrooms will be built in schools with separate rooms, contributing to access to safe and private sanitation services that guarantee the dignity of girls and boys.