Mobile unit for the care of Syrian refugees with disabilities in the Za’atari camp in Jordan

Persons with disabilities account for approximately 15% of the total population in the Syrian refugee camp of Za’atari (Jordan). However, not all persons with disabilities can access the clinic that the FPSC has established in the  camp to provide them with adequate medical care. The causes are varied: the cost of transport within the camp (people with mobility problems must pay for transport, taxi, etc.); The distance to the clinic, which is sometimes considerable and is aggravated by the poor condition of the roads or alleys; Or the unavailability of caregivers who can accompany and remain with the patient in the clinic while receiving treatment.

In order to try to alleviate these problems, the help of the Mapfre Foundation will enable the establishment of an outreach team and a duly equipped mobile unit that will allow the provision of rehabilitation and physiotherapy services at home in the camp.

The team will be formed by a therapist, who will go to each home to proceed to rehabilitation sessions, a social worker, driver of the mobile unit to ensure the safety of technical personnel, as well as compliance with the protocols for the prevention of abuse and sexual exploitation (PSEA), and a Syrian refugee volunteer who will be responsible for all the logistics inherent to the intervention, as well as the monitoring and supervision of the rehabilitation and progress of beneficiary patients. In this way, it contributes to the socio-labor inclusion of the rural population.