Improvement of food security and comprehensive health in vulnerable households in kaqchikel communities of Vista Bella (Guatemala)

The project consists of reinforcing the social and economic inclusion of the Kaqchikel population, increasing development opportunities for present and future generations.

Work will be done to contribute to an adequate and sustainable diet with effects on the nutritional health of people in vulnerable situations, especially children under 5 years of age and women.

It is an intervention that addresses the availability and diversification of food with the implementation of family gardens, combating child malnutrition and institutional strengthening through the Board of Directors as an organizational structure at the community level that promotes women’s access to decision-making. decisions and contribute to the sustainability of the project.

During the project:

  • 30 households with raised beds or terraces will participate for the implementation of orchards.
  • 75% of the households participating in the project will increase agricultural availability with new products that diversify the diet at the end of the project in a sustainable manner.
  • 40% of the children under 5 years of age served by the project will improve their nutritional status through advances in the standard deviations of the Z Score (Height-for-Age ratio).
  • 90% of the participating households will acquire training to combat chronic malnutrition at the end of the project.