Improving production and business skills of indigenous women in poverty in three departments in Guatemala for incorporation into the production process with handmade quality products

The project aims to help indigenous women in poverty for incorporation into the labor market.

To do this, the following activities are envisaged:

  • Training in hotel industry; commercial bakery; commercial baked goods; typical sweets; jellies and jams; textiles (sewing, weaving belt, embroidery) in the Training Center Las Gravileas.
  • Training in business management.

Each of the 720 beneficiaries of the training will have a Life Plan and Business Plan on which their productive activity will be supported and receive a supply kit with materials and minor equipment that will allow them to put their own micro-enterprise initiative underway or improve productivity they already had underway.

Moreover, the program participants will stay and eat at the Center for the duration of the training. They also will receive financial assistance to cover the cost of transportation from their home communities.

At project completion, it is anticipated that 504 women (70% of the total) join the production process and market their products stably, and 216 (8% of women trained) produce sporadically and gradually enter the market. It is also expected strategic alliances with 12 microfinance institutions and / or working on programs to promote women in the highlands.