Strengthening the St. Gabriel Catholic Health Center to prevent the transmission of COVID-19

The aim of the project is to contain and prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the Akaki-Kaliti district, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, which has a high population density and a high rate of poverty and is highly vulnerable to the spread and transmission of the virus.

To achieve this, the local health infrastructure of the St Gabriel Catholic Health Centre (SGCHC), which offers free or very low-cost health services to the population, will be strengthened by providing IPEs and training.

The specific objectives are:

        1. Technical training on the use of IPEs and the detection, management and prevention of COVID-19, through these activities:
          • Training on prevention and control of COVID-19 for support staff (3 days of training).
          • Training on prevention, early detection, control and case management of COVID-19 for clinical staff (5 days’ training).
          • Training on when and how to use IPEs for all health workers and support staff.
          • Regular monitoring of the appropriate and consistent use of IPEs by staff.
        2. Procurement, supply and distribution of IPEs for health workers and vulnerable patients during the project period:
          • Supply of masks and hand disinfectant to 1,400 patients with chronic diseases (diabetes, hypertension, HIV and tuberculosis) once a month.
          • Supply of masks to 600 women in labour.
          • Purchase of IPEs twice during the project period.
          • Daily supply of 2 medical masks to all health centre staff.
          • Regular distribution of IPEs (every two weeks for each department).
        3. Awareness campaigns on the prevention, identification and procedure against COVID-19 with the support of graphic materials (leaflets and posters):
          • Carrying out of 3 awareness sessions for the population in the area of action of the San Gabriel Catholic Health Centre by the support staff.
          • Ongoing training by health workers for adult patients attending the clinic..