Promoting decent work for vulnerable groups in Upper Egypt through microbusinesses, with emphasis on tourism

The project seeks to promote access to decent work, with priority in the tourism sector, for people in vulnerable situations in the Upper Egypt region, especially women and young people, including people with disabilities.

With this objective, the intervention offers a set of financial services (in the form of micro-credits) and non-financial services (in the form of training and technical support), allowing inclusive and sustainable economic growth and full, productive and decent employment for all, with special emphasis on the tourism sector, which is key to the country’s economy.

The project’s activities are based on two lines of action:

  1. Supporting 60 young men and women, including people with disabilities, to start their own microbusinesses in the field of tourism. Access to credit and non-financial services will be facilitated: training and technical support in entrepreneurship, financial management and technical skills for the development of products and/or services in the tourism value chain.
  2. Strengthening of already existing microbusinesses, to increase the income generated by the microenterprises of low-income rural people, especially young people and women, so that the increase in income allows them to expand their offer of products and/or services, generate new jobs and improve personal and family economic conditions. With this objective, work will be done on training in marketing and financial management.

It is expected that the 240 entrepreneurs who participate in the project, and who represent 300 jobs will generate at least another 60 new jobs. It is also expected that 15% of the 300 beneficiary entrepreneurs will be incorporated into the formal sector of the economy.