Enjoy Europe III

Intercultural project for training students  between 8 and 14 years old in Madrid in values such as solidarity, volunteerism, interculturality and responsibility. It is developed in cooperation with partner associations of young people and with the participation of volunteers coming from Austria, Poland and Holland.

In detail, the aims of the Project:

  • Create European awareness and foster respect, tolerance, communication and learning of different ways of life, customs of other places and people.
  • Assistance to minors skill development under a non-formal learning atmosphere.
  • Promote active participation of young inside the organization and development of leisure activities, sport, culture, education and solidarity addressed to youth.
  • Foster a healthy lifestyle and leisure through physical activities and sport.
  • Facilitate the conviviality among young and students of different cultures and nationalities who attend to the activities.  Young people from other countries who join the European Voluntary Service (EVS) will live with young Spanish volunteers who collaborate in this project.
  • Improve the quality and the functioning of youth associations that participate in this project.
  • Establish a cooperative relationship among European organizations that work with young people.