Agreement: Economic strengthening and social stability of vulnerable and displaced local communities in southern Lebanon.

Given the growing political instability in Lebanon that is causing a major economic crisis, weakening the population’s access to an adequate right to life to levels of mere subsistence, this Agreement aims, on the one hand, to promote the economic strengthening of the Lebanese and displaced population Syria and, on the other, promote social cohesion between the government, organizations and the people whose rights are violated in this critical situation. All this, paying particular attention to gender and environmental issues.

Through the proposed actions, a triple impact is intended in the South Lebanon region:

  1. Strengthen technical capacities and support people’s productive enterprises, allowing adequate training for the labour market for the most vulnerable population and especially promoting job opportunities for women. Solar panels will be installed, contributing to savings in homes.
  2. Work with production groups by sectors of activity, which guarantees the strengthening of infrastructures and reduces the energy and economic vulnerability of the country to the community. To this end, the exchange of knowledge will be encouraged through systematic meetings between entrepreneurs.
  3. Create Rapid Response Units at the institutional level that reduce risk and increase social cohesion, favouring an adequate environment for the socioeconomic development of the population. To achieve this, the capacities and competencies of local partners will be strengthened who, due to their proximity to rural communities, reduce social tension in a sustainable manner.

In addition, to achieve a direct impact on equality between men and women, which favors a comprehensive and inclusive action, specific activities have been designed to mitigate gender violence, specific productive groups of women that will create a safe context for their participation and reinforcement to the actions of Lebanese civil associations that promote the effective participation of women and the elimination of discrimination.

In the same way, the environment is integrated into the entire Agreement, under the premise of promoting sustainable entrepreneurship that allows a more efficient use of resources, protection, and improvement of the means of subsistence and social well-being, and greater resilience of people, communities, and ecosystems. In addition, the sustainable entrepreneurship models will be based on circular economy methodologies.