FPSC joins the request for help for those affected in Peru, in populations such as Piura and Chosica, which have suffered the inclement effect of the meteorological phenomenon Niño Costero.

We publish the report of Diana Celi, Communication Director of Condoray.

Condoray is a Vocational Training Centre, which has been working since 1963 for the development and human, social and spiritual promotion of the women of Valle de Cañete (Peru), with whom FPSC has been working on development cooperation projects since 1993.

“Peru under the Waters” – Diana Celi.

“… Peru suffers, it has been under the rains and rivers waters for two months. Piura is the area most affected by an unusual Coastal Child, a phenomenon characterized by anomalous warming of the sea focused on the coasts of Peru and Ecuador.

This warming produces moisture that triggers heavy rains causing overflows, floods and alluviums that affect several localities.

One of them is Chosica, an hour from Lima, the capital, and other regions of neighboring areas. Hundreds of homes have been razed by mudslide and streams of mud, water and huge rocks that descend at great speed from the Andes mountain range. It rains torrentially and the waters overflow and destroy everything in its path … “.

Read the full article.

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