The project, funded by the Mondo Unito Foundation, aims to prevent violence, foster cultural pluralism and promote civic education in Lebanon through conflict resolution work with students, teachers and parents in schools.

One of the specific objectives of the project is to develop a conflict resolution programme designed for teachers in different schools to be implemented in the classroom.

To this end, Paradis d’Enfants‘ (PDE) teachers receive training on conflict resolution that takes place remotely.

The training sessions are progressing according to plan.

So far, the feedback received from trainers and trainees has been very positive, especially as some of the teachers have shared the obstacles they had to face in their activity due to the pandemic, forcing them to change their teaching technique on the go to adapt to those taking place remotely.

Among the concepts conveyed to the teachers was the way in which the pandemic has changed the way of seeing education today and the way of transmitting it.

The teachers in this context have played a key role. They somehow were pioneers in facing and adapting to this sudden change. After years of teaching in a certain way, they had to face the use of new tools and had to acquire new skills to adapt the teaching of their subjects to an online environment.

Another key idea addressed was that every challenge implies the motivation to overcome difficulties, which makes the new experience even more rewarding.

We highlight one of the testimonials received from a PDE teacher,

“It has definitely been one of the biggest challenges I have had to face in my profession, and it is true that once I have faced it I have felt a growing motivation that has made me want to do my best to prove to myself and to my students that everything is feasible once we set our minds to it.”