Youssef El-Khalil has been appointed Finance Minister in the newly formed government of Prime Minister Najib Mikati.

Youssef El-Khalil is President of the Association for the Development of Rural Capacities (ADR) in Lebanon, a Lebanese organisation with which Social Promotion Foundation since 1998 has implemented 8 international cooperation for development projects promoting rural development in the South of Lebanon, in order to improve the living conditions of people in need, as a local partner,

ADR is a member, like the Foundation, of the Euro-Arab Network of NGOs for Development and Integration (READI).

Youssef El-Khalil, a senior official of the Central Bank of Lebanon (BDL), is Director of Financial Operations at the BDL and President of the Lebanese Microfinance Association (LMFA).

Youssef El-Khalil holds a PhD in Economics from the Centre d’Etudes et de Recherche sur le Développement International (CERDI) in France and is a member of the Executive Committee of the Middle East Studies Centre of the Social Promotion Foundation (CEMO).

He also holds a Master’s degree in Economic Development from the University of Sussex in the UK and a BA in Economics from the American University of Beirut (AUB).

He joined AUB in 1989 as a lecturer, and his teaching career spans development studies, managerial economics, growth theories and economic history.

From the Social Promotion Foundation we have full confidence in Youssef El-Khalil’s ability to manage the situation at the service of the public good and we wish him the greatest success and achievements in such a delicate and complex moment Lebanon is going through.