The Commission of Journalism and Religious Traditions is a working group coordinated by the Faculty of Communication of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, the Center for Middle Eastern Studies of the Social Promotion Foundation (Cemofps) and the Iscom Association, which aims to promote excellence in communication about religion and spirituality in the media.

Involves journalists, educational institutions and representatives of different religious realities (Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc.) to promote the understanding of the religious factor in the social context and in public opinion.

The Committee “Journalism and religious traditions” organizes courses, meetings, and seminars with the aim of providing basic, accurate, balanced and ethical information on the structure of the main religious traditions that, as such, constitute the basis of different cultures and the influence on the social organizations, on the juridical structures and on the political and economic life of the different countries.


Scientific Committee:

  • Abdellah Redouane, Director of the Italian Islamic Cultural Center – Grand Mosque of Rome;
  • Benedetto Ippolito, professor of History of Philosophy at the Rome Tre University and the Higher Institute of the Religious Sciences Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome;
  • Diego Contreras, professor of Analysis and Practice of Information at the Pontifical University of Santa Cruz (Italy);
  • Francois Vayne, ournalist (France);
  • Giovan Battista Brunori, journalist (Italy);
  • Giovanna Chirri, journalist (Italy);
  • Giovanni Cubeddu, journalist (Italy);
  • Giulio Maspero, professor at the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Italy);
  • Isaac Assor, Israelite Community of Lisbon (Portugal);
  • Khalid Abdool Sacoor Omar D. Jamal, Institute for Luso-Arab Cooperation (Portugal);
  • Manuel Sánchez, President of the Iscom Association;
  • María-Paz López, Spanish journalist La Vanguardia, director for Europe of the International Association of Journalists of Religion (Iarj);
  • Marta Brancatisano, professor at the Communication Faculty of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Italy);
  • Noemi Di Segni, President of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities (Italy);
  • Pedro Gil, Coordinator of the radio station RTP (Portogallo) and Deus Criou or Mondo;
  • Rabino Gad Fernando Piperno, Coordinator of the Italian Rabbinical College;
  • Rossella Miranda, Coordinator of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies of the Social Promotion Foundation in Italy;
  • Svamini Hamsananda Ghiri, Vice President of the Italian Hindu Union;