Volunteers of Social Promotion Foundation in the Talpa Association of Las Palmas, launch a volunteering and social leadership project that promotes the training of young women based on the Learning-Service methodology.

Young girls from 12 to 15 years old learn to identify social needs of their environment and to design a network improvement proposal together with other interested public and private institutions.

After several training sessions, the girls have started to design an inclusive theater project. The musical comedy that the Talpa Association organizes annually, from this year on will integrate children with Down syndrome and will raise funds for the Down Syndrome Association.

Among its goals is to promote empathy, generate friendship and team and take advantage of the different capacities of all, with the theater as a backdrop.

Currently, young women are learning to develop a Marketing plan to promote the sale of musical tickets and raise funds for the Down Syndrome Association.

In April they will have a marketing session with a journalist who will guide them in the design of a promotional plan for the sale of musical comedy tickets; it will be from then on when the promotion of the musical takes place.

In October there will be the performance of the musical comedy, the fundraising campaign and the presentation of the conclusions of the “Service-Learning” project; In addition, diplomas award ceremony will be organized.