In the «new normality» society needs more than ever young non-conformists, open to dialogue between cultures and able to look for joint solutions beyond their own borders.

The Youth MUN Madrid 2022 conference took place in Madrid on June 10 (opening ceremony at the Senate and Cibeles Palace) and June 11 and 12 (work rooms at Los Tilos school).

This new edition, under the title ‘Next Youth Europe’, recognized by Erasmus +, has given special prominence to the member countries of the European Union, their problems and the representation of their democratic institutions.

A total of 250 young people and 20 volunteers have participated in the following committees in English or Spanish, with the following topics: United Nations Human Rights Committee (UNHRC): ‘The Venezuelan humanitarian crisis and the consequences on the borders’; EU Council: ‘Integration of refugees in European countries’; European Parliament: ‘The EU’s response to the crisis in Ukraine’; UN Women: ‘Trafficking in Women and Sex Tourism: Enforcement of a Zero Tolerance Policy’; World Health Organization (WHO): ‘The issue of mental health in young adolescents’; Human Rights: ‘Disinformation as an attack on democracy’; UN Alliance for Sustainable Fashion: ‘Sustainable fashion versus fast fashion’.

As a climax, during the closing, as a result of the evaluation carried out by the directors of each committee based on the different abilities of the delegates during their interventions, the following mentions were awarded to them:

HHRR Opening speech Jessica Miriam Balauru, Brasil IES Luis García Berlanga
  Honorific mention Ricardo Moreno Palomero, Bolivia Informal group – Talavera de la Reina
  Outstanding delegate Mar Saro, Cuba Informal group – Spain United
  Best delegate Miguel Franco, Colombia IES Luis García Berlanga
Alliance for fashion
Opening speech Santiago Jiménez, Colombia La Salle
Honorific mention Paula Yaniz, USA Informal group – Inter
Best delegate Gonzalo Santamaría, Mexico CEU Sanchinarro
Human Rights
Opening speech Enrique Sánchez Sedano, Greece Peñalba
Honorific mention Pablo Salmerón Rodríguez, United Arab Emirates La Salle
Best delegate Irene Hernanz Calzado, Czech Republic Senara
ONU Mujeres
Opening speech Natalia Sánchez Pérez, United Arab Emirates CEU Sanchinarro
Honorific mention Daniela Monreal, Thailand CEU Montepríncipe
Best delegate Ruth Martínez Fernández, India CEU Sanchinarro
EU Parliament
Opening speech Sofía Martín, Estonia IES Luis García Berlanga
Honorific mention Paula Feliciani, Italy Informal Group – Inter
Best delegate Mario López Suárez, Germany Europeo Aristos
Opening speech Vicente Sagarra Tejada, USA Peñalba
Honorific mention Álvaro Orgaz López, North Korea CEU
Best delegate Isaac Rodríguez Sánchez, Portugal La Salle
EU Council
Opening speech Rosa de la Vega, Austria Altozano
Honorific mention Pablo Del Olmo Medina, Hungary IES Isaac Peral
Best delegate Alejandra Carlota Gilmartín Gascón, Ireland CEU Sanchinarro


Both the young participants and the volunteers will be able to obtain the Youthpass certificate, which recognizes non-formal learning developed from participation in projects financed within the framework of European programs in the field of youth.