With the help of our local Rural Women’s Development Society Partner – جمعية تنمية المرأة الريفية, four workshops on the promotion of women’s economic rights have been held this July, with the participation of more than 100 women from four Palestinian villages in rural areas of Niblus (West Bank).

This initiative is carried out under the Agreement that the Social Promotion Foundation develops together with its local partners PARC and RWDS in Palestine.

The agreement is funded by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) and has as one of its main activities to improve the accessibility of rural women to natural resources, production and agricultural techniques (adaptation of domestic orchards and training for water resources management), in order to improve their productive capacities.

In addition, productive agricultural initiatives are supported, and women’s clubs and cooperatives are promoted.

To raise public awareness including gender equality and access to rights is another major objective of the agreement.