Martina Vegara (EFA El Campico) and Irene Dascalu (EFA Torrealedua), from 2nd ESO, are the two students from the Family Agricultural Schools of the Community of Valencia who received awards, in the drawing category, in the “Your creativity as a loudspeaker” contest.

In the short story category, Victoria Mesfin, a 2nd CB student (EFA Torrealedua) was awarded for “The love of my life, is my life” where she addresses the story of Aisha, a 17-year-old Palestinian girl.

The drawing and story contest “Your creativity as a loudspeaker” has been organized by Social Promotion Foundation within the framework of an awareness project about our cooperation projects financed by the Regional Government of Valencia in Palestine and Peru, and its objective is not only to raise awareness about the rural reality in these countries but also to give the possibility to the students, in the rural environment, of the mentioned EFAS, to serve as a channel to sensitize the rest of the students.

The start of the contest was preceded by an awareness day, within the framework of the two projects, focused on various SDGs in which the participating ESO and vocational training students reflected.

Social Promotion Foundation prioritizes raising awareness of the situation of the SDGs in the countries where it develops rural development and food security agreements and projects.

For this reason, it directs its Education for Development and Awareness activities, in these cases, to the students of the EFAS, whose ideology is marked by its commitment to training for the development of the rural environment.

From this approach, we want to raise awareness among the students at the Family Agricultural Schools about the importance of the 2030 Development Agenda, generating their interest, commitment and reflection on the Sustainable Development Goals and the need to call for action to achieve citizenship committed to a more just and sustainable world.

Thus, for 4 years the Education for Development project “2030 GOAL. EFAS for sustainable development” has been developing, with the participation of 7 EFAS thoughout Spain, within the framework of its agreements financed by AECID in Palestine and Ethiopia