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“Madrileños por el mundo” (Telemadrid) on its program devoted to New Delhi “Nueva Delhi, una gran metrópolis de contrastes”, visited the Kamalini project.

Social Promotion supports this project of empowering women in vulnerable situations.

Pepa told us, last 9 January, in the program “Madrileños por el Mundo” of TeleMadrid the work of the Educational Center for Women “Kamalini Vocational Training Center”, an initiative supported by Fundación Promocion Social, and that provides vocational guidance programs and training to young women and girls in vulnerable situations in New Delhi. (Min 52:43).

During the program Pepa and the MxM team visited the first Kamalini center created in New Delhi in Shahpur Jat.

Kamalini supports underprivileged women in the south of Delhi, and thus meets the demand for quality vocational training for vulnerable women aged between 15 and 30 years.

Many of these come from rural areas, and have not had the opportunity to receive a basic school education or appropriate technical training for various reasons, mostly clearly discriminatory: poverty, lack of awareness for the training of women (situation very widespread in India), insecurity, and social repressions, among other reasons.

The classes taught at Kamalini are aimed at improving the quality of life of this group, helping to reduce these two main problems: the lack of a basic school education and the lack of technical labour capacity.

Some of Kamalini’s contributions are:

  • Personal follow-up to promote business skills and the desire to work well as a means of personal and social promotion
  • Simultaneity of theoretical training and practical training, in the same venue
  • Self-sustainability of the resident students, who will receive a salary while they continue their studies
  • Flexibility of schedules in batches of morning, noon and afternoon
  • Possible compatibility with one’s domestic work
  • Adaptability to the educational level of the students, providing personalized training
  • Certification of courses and quality of teaching. All the courses that are taught follow the official curriculum of the Government
  • Offer of some basic medical services, to prevent physical illnesses that, among other things, hinder labor insertion and, above all, improve the quality of life of the family
  • Offer of basic education compatible with technical apprenticeships

Likewise, relationships are created with the community and the industry sector, in order to get support for the project and employment opportunities for women.

Collaborate on this project! https://previas.hadock.es/promocionsocial-old/en/donacion-kamalini/