On November 24th the presentation of the #StandTogether project took place in Rome.

#StandTogether is a digital and inclusive platform created to give voice to all Christians living situations of discrimination or persecution, especially Christians living in the Middle East and that aims to highlight the importance of religious freedom.

This web platform aims to raise awareness about the situation of persecuted Christians. It has been created by institutions such as Rome Reports, the International Center for Communion and Liberation, the Foundation for the Social Promotion of Culture, and the Iscom association, so that persecuted Christians do not feel alone

The project is the result of the collaboration of various institutions interested in promoting a culture of dialogue and peace, through the dissemination of testimonies that come from places where religious minorities, Christian and other religions, live dramatic situations.

The presentation was attended by Iraqi priest Rebwar Basa, Roberto Fontolan of the International Centre for Communion and Liberation, Antonio Olivié of Rome Reports and Rosella Miranda by the Foundation for Social Promotion of Culture.

