Youth Mun Madrid is a Social Promotion initiative aimed at young people who want to familiarize themselves with an authentic simulation of the General Assembly, the Security Council or other multilateral bodies or agencies of the United Nations (UN), approaching the world of diplomacy and negotiation.

Through this formative experience, young people learn different techniques of debate and negotiation, representing member countries of the UN, and try to find solutions to concrete problems that are part of the international agenda.

In a transversal way, they acquire skills such as investigating and analyzing information; discuss and negotiate as a group; speak with confidence in public; take on greater responsibility for the world’s problems; interact with people from different cultures, or speak and write in English more fluently.

After the success of the first edition, held entirely with students from Madrid, the II edition of this project is launched, which also accommodates young people from Tenerife and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

The presentation of this 2nd edition of Youth Mun Madrid was held on October 4 and 5, at the Municipal Board of the Retiro District of Madrid and at the State Public Library in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, respectively.

In Madrid, David Sánchez-Camacho, Head of Engagement & Innovation in PANGEA, and Karim Hallal Peche, young talent of the European Parliament and Unicef, participated. With their interventions, they tried to convey to young people present the importance of deciding what to do with their lives, both personally and professionally.

In the Canary Islands, Jorge de Amescua, Engagement Coordinator at PANGEA, offered an inspiring talk about the opportunity they have, as young people, to contribute their talents to change the world.