The closeness of Christmas and the beginning of a new year is an auspicious moment to convey our best wishes and reiterate our sincere thanks to all who make our work possible for vulnerable people around the world. Without your help, it would not be possible.

This Christmas, we appeal again to your generosity to support our work in Ethiopia, with the “Ethiopia for Christmas” campaign.

Currently, hunger, climate change, and women’s rights pose a great challenge in this country, especially in rural areas, which is where the Foundation develops its activities.

Thanks to your help we can respond, improving water facilities for irrigation and human consumption, thus reducing the effects of climate change; diversifying the crop to fight hunger and malnutrition; or conducting training courses on women’s rights to prevent situations of violence, such as female genital mutation or child marriage.

We invite you to learn more about this campaign and to collaborate with us.

This year, give away “Ethiopia for Christmas.”