Yesterday took place the session organized by the Permanent Mission of the Holy See to FAO, IFAD and WFP, and the Forum of Catholic-inspired NGOs in Rome, of which Promoción Social is a member, on decent work and agriculture in which our Head of Mission in Palestine, Mayte Illán, made a presentation entitled “Rural development and work: the experience of the Fondazione Promoción Social in the promotion of women in Palestinian territories”, showing the experience of the Foundation in empowering rural women in Palestine.

In her intervention, Mayte Illán raised how capacity building and support to income-generating activities and decent work for rural women, especially young women, has a catalytic effect and is fundamental for the economic recovery of their communities and Palestine as a whole; and why investing in rural women is crucial to leave no one behind on our way to achieving the 2030 Agenda.

As an example of the Foundation’s experience in this field, Mayte Illán shared a video of the women producers’ unit in Al Manara, in the framework of the Foundation’s agreement funded by AECID, in the Governorate of Khan Younis (Southern Gaza).


Words by Mayte Illán, Head of Mission of Fundación Promoción Social in Palestine.