Education and awareness are essential to maintain solidarity and consciousness of social justice, especially among the youngest.

For this reason, the Social Promotion Foundation will bring the project on the right to food of the vulnerable rural population of the Kaqchikel ethnic group in Joya Grande (Guatemala) and its relationship with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) to some educational centers in Madrid.

The project, which began a year ago, aims to combat child malnutrition. How? Through agricultural entrepreneurship so that they can market their own products and obtain new sources of income, but also to improve their diet with more varied and nutrient-rich foods.

In addition, this project is related to the SDGs, encompassed within the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

Although there are 17, this project in Joya Grande focuses on five: SDG 1 on the end of poverty; SDG 2 on hunger; SDG 5 covering gender equality; SDG 16 on peace, justice and strong institutions; and SDG 17, which deals with alliances to achieve objectives.

To bring these aspects closer to young people, the Foundation has created a series of educational resources, which will be made available in various educational centers, with which students can learn about the situation in Guatemala through real cases and data, or investigate on key concepts such as “poverty” or “inequality”, broadening the perspective and breaking stereotypes. The purpose of these activities is to promote the importance of development cooperation and the achievement of the SDGs through awareness and visibility.