Our promoter in Barcelona, Maria Tiò, a neighbor of Sant Pol de Mar, organized the participation of Social Promotion in the “Fira de la Tardor” (Autumn Fair), whose post, during a rainy day, was visited by numerous and supportive friends who They came to see our projects and/or collaborate with the foundation.

The “Fira de la tardor” brings together booths and stalls selling handicrafts or products from Sant Pol de Mar.

The City Council organized on the 17th November the Fair with small tents, equipped with one or two tables and chairs, distributed along the main street and the station plaza, all day, from 10 am in the morning to 8 pm in the afternoon.

María tells us:

There we were in our tent informing about our projects. For the Foundation they gave us the position 13D located on the middle of the street.

Although the day was not a good one, we had visits throughout the morning and there were also “storytelling” workshops, crafts (paper crowns, face paintings …) and a band with their music.

In the evening when the night came and due to the cold, the street was not so lively and at 7:30 p.m. we picked up the stand.

The cups were a great success, they liked it a lot and people asked for their price because sometimes the posters are not read well, although we put it big:

>> FES-TE SOCI I ET REGALEM UNA TASSA (Become a member and we’ll give you a mug).
>> FES UN DONATIU I T’ENDOLÇEM EL MOMENT (Make a donation and we sweeten you the moment).

The mugs, designed by the foundation, were produced thanks to the solidarity collaboration of the company of Sant Pol de Mar, BAGMOVIL.

From the Foundation we want to thank all the people who came to the stand, especially those who became collaborating partners or made a solidarity donation in favour of our projects, to the City Council of Sant Pol de Mar, to BAGMOVIL, to Maria Tiò and all the people who collaborated in the organization and made possible our participation in the Fira de la Tardor.