Italian and international dramas
Tuesday, February 23rd 2016. 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Sala Sopra Chiesa, Palazzo Valdina (Piazza in Campo Marzio Square, 42). Rome

The arrival and pick-up of children and migrants refugees in Italy imply really complex problems. On the one hand,the flow of arrivals doesn’t cease; on the other, it is believed delinquency is starting to appear in the situation, making profit with the difficult management of the problem.

Europe is the destination of more than 10,000 children travelling as refugees, who have disappeared during the last months after their arrival to the Old Continent.

Experts on the quesion meet up in Italy and Europe to deepen one of the most difficult topics  of our time:

Jumana Trad, President of Foundation for the Social Promotion of Culture (FPSC); Carmen Seoane, FPSC’s Humanitarian Aid Department; Sandra Zampa, Vice president of the Bicameral Children’s Commission; Livia Turco, Inmigration expert; Raffaella Milano, President of Save the Children; Serenella Pesarin, Ministry of Justice; Lia Quartapelle, International Adoptions; Magda Di Renzo, Reception crisis; Maria Rita Munizzi, MOIGE; Pier Luigi Bartolomei, ELIS Foundation; Prof. Emanuela C. Del Re, Nicolás de Cusa University – Univ Roma Tre, Migration and Refugees in the Middle East Expert; Laura Baldassarre, Advocacy from UNICEF Italy; Giancarla Boreatti, Coordinator of the AVSI Refugees Network; Elena Costantino, Lawyer specialised in family and children’s rights; Marta Petrosillo, Spokesperson of Aid to the Church in Need.

Moderator: Paola Binetti, President of the Ethics and Democracy Association.