The Foundation Works to get the full participation of women in society and her access to decision-making.
On March 8th is celebrated around the world the International Women’s Day, so FPSC joins to this celebration in order to pay tribute to them.

One of the main corporate goals of the Foundation is the promotion of women in every single sector and activity, thus increasing social participation and their access to decision-making, considering it is the only way to get real development in the world.

This is the reason why, since its inception, FPSC incorporates to its projects a gender component as an essential part of them to get an equitable participation of women and men.

Moreover, many of its interventions are only and exclusively addressed to the empowerment of women. Nowadays, FPSC is developing four projects, two in Guatemala, one in Kazakhstan and another one in Paraguay, in order to train women and ease her integration into the labour market and production process by means of the creation of micro businesses.






Thanks to the funding of the Italian Episcopal Conference two projects are now working; the first one, “Get Trained, Get Employed”, is addressed to young Kazakhstani women with limited resources. They are between 16 and 19 years old and study in the services sector (Hotel industry, Restoration and Catering) in Professional High Schools. The idea is to strengthen and widen the professional skills of the students to facilitate their integration into the labour marker, being themselves the ones in charge to transmit the knowledge and values acquired during their training.


The second project, “Improving production and business skills of indigenous women in poverty in three departments in Guatemala for her incorporation into the production process with handmade quality products”, aims to help indigenous women living in poverty in their inclusion into the labour market, by means of training them in the hotel industry, commercial bakery, typical sweets, jam and jelly, textiles (literacy and dressmaking courses, delicately woven on a narrow traditional loom and embroideries) in Las Gravileas Training Centre. Training in business management will also be offered.

Also in Guatemala and thanks to the funding of The OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID), started in January 2016 the project “Empowering indigenous women in Guatemala through technical and business training oriented to self employment” to offer 480 indigenous women, who are victims of a “triple discrimination” (gender, ethnic and geographic), access to a quality vocational training by means of 30 training programmes specially designed to cover the needs of indigenous people. The courses will be focused on three product areas: handicrafts, food and agriculture production, all of them highly demanded on the local market.

Finally, on February started the project “Improving the socio-economic situation of vulnerable women in Paraguay through education and professional training”, also funded by OFID. The main goal of the project is to address the poverty situation in the country by means of a professional education in values for girls and young women to make them become agents of local development and allow them to access a source of employment. To get so, the first step is the construction of an educational centre, where secondary education will be taught in better conditions to youngsters between 14 and 18, as well as training women as entrepreneurs.