FPSC joined, on the 8th September, the celebration of  “Aid Worker Day ” paying tribute to all Spanish aid workers – genuine solidarity professionals – who work currently abroad  in the field of international cooperation for development.

Concurring with the anniversary of the signature of 2000 United Nations Millennium Declaration, this day is a public recognition of their work and the promotion of their values that they represent in the fight for poverty eradication, for sustainable development and for a world of greater justice.

Regarding FPSC, the presence at this moment of our expatriated staff working on site, is considered to be a core element for Projects development which ensure:

-An improvement of the quality health care by training health professionals and support staff who contribute to the patient care in Ethiopia;

-An improvement of the agricultural production in Peru, West Bank, Gaza, several cities in Palestine or Ethiopia which foster rural sustainable development, reduce food insecurity and ensure a responsible and efficient use of the field and water resources;

-An integration of the Syrian refugees population in Lebanon by strengthening a social, sustainable, innovative solidarity network of second-hand products. This network aims to mitigate the poverty situation of this community and part of Lebanese host population; and health services provision in order to enhance mental health;

-The improvement of life conditions and inclusion of disabled Syrian refugees with special attention to women and children at Za’atari and Azraq camps in Jordan, through a person-to person health care, distribution and maintenance of the mobility aids, inclusive activities and raising awareness about their reality and disabled people rights;

Empowerment of vulnerable women in Paraguay through education and personal training for their access to labor market.