On September 8, is celebrated the “Aid worker Day”, dedicated to the thousands of people, true professionals of solidarity, struggling with their work against poverty, for sustainable development and a fairer world throughout the world.
In this regard, last Sunday, September 6, RNE Radio 5, in its space “Cooperation is Development”, the program “What do the aid workers do?” was aired, In which our colleague, Barbara Drake, expatriate in Jerusalem, took part, in an interview with Maria Dolores Albiac, to publicize their cooperation work in the Middle East (minute 4:54).
Specifically, Barbara spoke about the reasons that led her to professionally engage in cooperation and her experience through the work of the FPSC in the region, in rural development (agricultural development, water management and renewable energy), disability and education. In particular, she emphasized her work in special education, offering tools to Palestinian teachers to diagnose and properly treat children with special needs, in an effort to achieve quality education in Palestine.
To listening the full interview:
RNE Radio 5, space “Cooperation is Development”: “What do the aid workers do?”