With great sadness we communicate the sad news of the death of Mrs. Pilar Lara Alén, founder and for many years President of the Foundation.

In these hurried lines it is not possible to express our feeling of pain for having lost who for 30 years and in front line of battle has worked tirelessly for our institution.

It is easier, trying to overcome the unexpected news, to remember her excellent personal qualities: her clairvoyant intelligence, her friendly disposition, her fighting ability to undertake the tasks and solve the problems she always faced with enthusiasm and hope.

Her deep convictions, her trust in God and her moral worth, accompanied her always in her effort to create first and then strengthen a foundation in which the primacy of the free and responsible person was the pillar of its work.

We ask God to grant her the deserved reward of a life of work and service to others, especially to the most vulnerable and in need.

May she rest in peace.
Madrid, June 26th 2018