On May 25, the Social Promotion Foundation participated in Valencia, in the ceremony of the XXI Mainel Foundation Tales Award that was held in the hall of this Foundation. Nine students from the Valencian Community, Murcia and Toledo have been the winners this year whose motto has been “The world you want”, and which invites young people to reflect on the Sustainable Development Goals.

On behalf of the Social Promotion Foundation, a collaborating entity in the Tales Award, José Luis Zatarain, Director of Communication and Volunteering, spoke to the attendees about the rural development agreement that the Foundation holds in the West Bank (Palestine), with the projection of the video “The Right to Water in Palestine” that includes different testimonies from the field about how the water scarcity affects farmers in the region and the good practices to mitigate it.

The award-winning students received the awards from the President of the Mainel Foundation, Vicente Emilio López and Federico Martínez Roda, dean of the Royal Academy of Valencian Culture.

More than 400 stories from all over the country have participated in the twenty-first edition of the Mainel Foundation Tales Award. The 9 winning stories have been published in a book, which can be requested from the Mainel Foundation and downloaded from its website (mainel.org). In addition, their authors receive various prizes according to their category and their classification, as well as a batch of books for the Schools and High schools of the awarded participants.