The Ambassador of Spain in Ethiopia, Manuel Salazar Palma, and the Head of Spanish Cooperation in that country, Mariano Fanjul, traveled to Jijiga to visit on the ground the agreement financed by AECID that the Social Promotion Foundation implements together with its partner ONG Rescate with local partners Havoyoco and ECC-SDCOOH.

During the course of their visit they held meetings with regional authorities and later with the members of the agreement consortium and their local partners.

They then moved from Jijiga to Gedigebo to the Tuluguleed kebele, one of the intervention kebeles, where they were received by the local communities and authorities.

A presentation was made of the activities and impact of the agreement in the community of Gedigebo and was attended by community representatives: women, the elderly, youth, local authorities, cooperatives, and they could know their opinion on the impact the agreement.

Two irrigation groups, created within the framework of the agreement, were visited after the construction of a well and irrigation systems. This group guarantees the irrigation of 9 hectares.

A visit was made to a polyvalent tree production nursery, where fruit trees, fodder and vegetables are grown, and to a farm built under a sustainable model.

They also visited a rehabilitated area of degraded land through physical measures such as terraces, embankments and tree planting.

Then the Ambassador and the Head of the OTC were able to receive the testimony of some holders of specific rights of the agreement as members of three cooperatives, one specifically formed by women that is dedicated to the milling of cereals.