The development project, “Planning and development of ecotourism in the vicinity of the natural reserve of Ngoc Hoa Binh, providing small infrastructure, training and materials”, funded by AECI and implemented by the FPSC since 2007, provides three types of actions:

• CDP (Commune Development Plans): an approved set of socio-economic activities endorsed at the village and commune-level. (The Commune is the smallest administrative unit in Vietnam).

• Ecotourism activities to develop and promote tourism in the reserve to create a new economic alternative that offsets the losses of income due to the declaration of the region as a nature reserve, which therefore prohibits hunting and fishing and the harvesting of wood from the forests of the reserve.

• Conservation activities to strengthen the capacities of those marginalized in the forest reserve.

The distribution of high-efficiency furnaces in the natural reserve of Ngoc Son Ngo Luong is part of CDP activities, but obviously also related to conservation, to promote savings in wood consumption.

Daily, the main source of household energy in the natural reserve of Ngoc Son Ngo Luong is the burning of wood. The common method is still the traditional bonfire in the kitchen. These furnaces use the heat generated in a more efficient manner, leading to a saving of 30% less wood.

Furthermore, it should also be noted that the use of these furnaces help to improve the quality of life of women in the Reserve, as they can better manage their time and energy, as they are usually responsible for the collection of wood for home use.

So far, we have tested two types of furnaces and distributed a total of 45 to respective homes of the reservation. In the next month there are plans to distribute another 300 units.