On the International Day of Peace on the 21st September, we want to address our Project in Lebanon aiming to prevent violence, foster cultural pluralism and promote civic education in this country through conflict resolution work with students, teachers and parents in schools.

Some of the testimonies of the beneficiaries of this Project are the following:


Student 1 (Grade 5):

“What I learned from Ms. Lynn’s sessions on non-violent communication is:
· To know how to think and express myself respectfully, without disturbing or hurting others.
· To talk about my needs and what bothers me.
· To express my needs clearly and with determination. I can use what I have learned in my relationships with others, expressing to them what I like about them and what I don’t like in them, in a proper way. Also avoiding violence and hurtful words to get what I want”.

Student 2 (Grade 4):

“During the session with Ms. Lynn on non-violent communication, I learned that there are many ways to communicate with others: through words, through the eyes, through a flower, through a letter or through a drawing. We express our feelings but without violence or inappropriate words, and without shyness. Violence hurts oneself and others. Nonviolent communication means respect, cooperation, empathy, sincerity and listening”.

Student 3 (Grade 6):

“I learned to respect others and not judge them, to understand them, to listen to them and not to beat them! I can build good relationships with others and resolve conflict”.


Teacher 1:

“It was a privilege to participate in Ms. Rima’s session. Sessions like these are mandatory for teachers’ day-to-day struggles. The session provided emotional support, and ensured a healthy environment where teachers can freely communicate their everyday experiences that usually go unnoticed. Personally, the session made me realize how heroic teachers can be. They have the power to appear confident at their worst. I also noticed that we have made a lot of progress throughout the year. No matter the amount of obstacles that we have come across, we were able to go beyond them, and truly make a difference”.

Teacher 2:

“I was particularly interested in the session of Ms. Rima Younes (positive and benevolent communication). It has been beneficial both personally and professionally. It also allowed me to discover and learn several stress management strategies and gained self-confidence. The trainer was very understanding, and listened attentively to us. I will definitely recommend this session, at least twice a year”.

Teacher 3:

“It was beneficial to verbalize our feelings. I felt it was important on a personal level. Understanding our needs without feeling guilty while learning to focus on what is positive by controlling our anxiety has helped me a lot in my professional life”.

Teacher 4:

“It was definitely one of the biggest challenges that I had to face in my professional life, and once I have faced it I felt a growing motivation that made me want to do my best to prove to myself and to my students that everything is doable once you put your mind to it”.


Parent 1:

“The session with Mr Daccache allowed me first of all to feel that I am not alone. The mere fact of discussing the serious problems that are causing us all great pain in Lebanon these days is reassuring. The fact that, our worries, might be heard by Pope Francis, brings us great deal of comfort. We need him in Lebanon because he brings us peace”.

Parent 2:

“This session of debate was very useful for me. We hope that our message will reach the Pope, and we are waiting for him to visit Lebanon and help us regain our dignity”.