Less opportunities, same dignity

Social Promotion Foundation works since 1992 in development cooperation, implementing its activities in four main geographical areas: Mediterranean Region (the Middle East and North Africa) Asia, Latin America and Africa, with a total of 313 projects finalized and an estimation of resources managed over €130,000,000.
The main area of activity is the Middle East.
What makes our work different?
- Clear positioning for people and their improvement systems: the investment in human beings is essential to create wealth and guarantee and improve the efficiency of our aid, with special attention to education, which is the trigger for human fulfilment and social engagement.
- Alignment with local policies: a plan for coordinating aid with social strategies in each country.
- Importance of the role of civilians and local organizations in the design and execution of development activities, for the strengthening of the social fabric and the insurance of the their development.
- Joint responsibility and coordinated work with Local Partners.
- Goal of long-lasting presence and continuity in development areas and countries.
Number of projects

Mediterranean Region (the Middle East and North Africa): Palestinian Territories, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Israel and Iraq, Morocco, Mauritania, Algeria, Western Sahara and Tunisia.
Latin America: Argentine, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Colombia, Dominican R., Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Venezuela y Haiti.
Africa: D.R. Congo, Ivory Coast, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda, South Africa y Mozambique.
Asia: Vietnam, Cambodia, the Philippines, Kazakhstan and India.