In the context of our agreement in Palestine, round tables were held yesterday in Ramallah (West Bank) and Gaza during the commemoration of Women’s Day 2022, in which we were lucky enough to celebrate with our right holders and with Women’s cooperatives with whom we work to explore with them the challenges they have faced, mechanisms and lessons learned since the Pandemic began.

Both sessions took place in parallel and were led by local gender experts with the support of our field team.

Having these first-hand testimonies is vital both to ensure the full participation of women, who position themselves as the main agents of their own change, and to identify recommendations and best practices that allow us to achieve the desired impact under our intervention, already in its fourth year of implementation.

These sessions have been organized within the framework of the agreement that the Social Promotion Foundation develops together with its local partners PARC and RWDS in Palestine.

The agreement is financed by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) and one of its lines of work is to improve the accessibility of rural women to natural resources, production and agricultural techniques (adaptation of orchards and training for the management of water resources), in order to improve their productive capacities.

In addition, productive agricultural enterprises and their commercialization are supported, and women’s clubs and cooperatives are promoted.

Sensitization and public awareness of gender equality and access to rights is another of the major objectives of the agreement.