Students from schools in Madrid reflect on the SDGs based on a project that promotes food security in Guatemala

2022-06-23T13:48:12+00:0023 June, 2022|


Social Promotion Foundation would like to congratulate the Lebanese association Paradis d’Enfants on its 25th anniversary

2022-06-22T14:46:20+00:0014 June, 2022|

Paradis d'Enfants is an association that runs three [...]

The first activities of a project in Jordan that seeks to empower women and promote their autonomy and resilience begin

2022-06-22T14:18:23+00:0014 June, 2022|

Within [...]

ESO students from Madrid reflect on the SDGs based on a project that promotes food security in Guatemala

2022-06-16T11:04:31+00:0010 June, 2022|

On June 9, José Luis Zatarain, director [...]

Young people from Madrid reflect on the SDGs through the activity of our project in Joya Grande (Guatemala)

2022-05-31T13:59:24+00:0010 May, 2022|

Education [...]

Jumana Trad participated in a conference organized by L’Œuvre d’Orient that highlighted the key importance of Middle Eastern Christians in the region

2022-05-30T11:33:11+00:006 May, 2022|


“Despite the inequalities, the Islamic woman has a lot of strength and can go very far in public life” comments Jumana Trad in the framework of a conference organized by the UCV in Valencia

2022-05-10T10:30:16+00:004 May, 2022|

Invited by the Women's [...]

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