Palestinian rural women receive logistical support to start their productive activities and promote their social& economic development

2020-11-23T11:52:18+00:001 September, 2020|

Within the framework of the 2018 Social [...]

Protection committees involving farmers, cooperative women and young people are trained in risk management and reduction in Nablus, Palestine

2020-07-23T13:13:45+00:006 July, 2020|


Alleviating the effects of climate change and biodiversity loss in the countries where we work is crucial

2020-06-05T11:07:11+00:005 June, 2020|

We celebrate the World Environment Day, dedicated in [...]

Increasing the capacity of rural people in Palestine and Ethiopia to water access and adaptation to climate change

2020-03-30T16:30:18+00:0021 March, 2020|

As every year, on March 22, Social Promotion [...]

Activities to strengthen equality and empowerment of women held in three woredas of Jijiga area (Ethiopia)

2020-03-30T15:19:38+00:0013 March, 2020|

On the occasion of International Women's Day, [...]

Families of the Somali region in Ethiopia receive awareness against harmful practices that violate women’s rights such as Female Genital Mutilation

2020-02-07T10:37:57+00:006 February, 2020|

From the Social Promotion Foundation, on the International [...]

The OMEI Observatory of the Social Promotion Foundation considers inequality of opportunities between women and men as a trigger for violence against women

2020-05-25T16:10:55+00:0025 November, 2019|

The Social Promotion [...]

The foundation starts a program in Ethiopia that fights against famine through sustainable rural development by holding a seminar

2019-10-28T15:43:42+00:0021 October, 2019|

On [...]

The activities of the Agreement begin in the community of Gedigebo: “Rural development to face famine and the effects of climate change”.

2019-11-08T08:49:35+00:0021 October, 2019|


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